Viña Arboleda successfully concludes its “Uncork a Tree” campaign
Viña Arboleda succeeds in its newest project, "Uncork a Tree," whose purpose was to contribute to recovering the native forests in Chile.
Viña Arboleda succeeds in its newest project, “Uncork a Tree,” whose purpose was to contribute to recovering the native forests devastated by recent fires in southern Chile.
As a means of contributing to reforesting efforts in Chile, Arboleda started the “Uncork a Tree” campaign in partnership with the “Yo Planté 1 Árbol” Foundation and the support of the UNEP (United Nations Environment Program).
After three months of conducting this project to plant a native tree for each wine from the elegant portfolio uncorked in a restaurant or purchased in a wine shop. The trees were planted in Constitución in Chile’s VII region, one of the areas that was most affected by the last summer’s fires.
This initiative gathered and delivered 1,500 trees to Carlos Valenzuela, Mayor of Constitución, who has organized a team to plant and tend the new trees.
Further good news is that Brazil has recently joined in Arboleda’s program and launched a program in Sao Paulo to support the efforts to restore Chile’s native forests that are such an important part of the country’s natural flora.