

- 阿空加瓜谷最完美的诠释 -


Viña Arboleda为智利酒商爱德华多.查威克(Eduardo Chadwick)于1999年创立。这项计画的理念是,借由使用单一葡萄品种酿造出的葡萄酒,忠实展现位于阿空加瓜谷的葡萄园里、各种风土条件最纯粹原始的样貌。


Viña Arboleda为爱德华多.查威克(Eduardo Chadwick)的私人企业。他是创立伊拉苏酒庄(V Viña Errazuriz)家族的第五代接班人,也是最初与加州传奇酒商罗伯特‧蒙大维(Robert Mondavi)合资打造智利首支标志级葡萄酒Seña的庄主。



Arboleda葡萄园极具潜力和多样性的风土条件遍布整座山谷;既有个性也有辨识度。我对此当然十分兴奋, 也鼓励了我。

Francisco Baettig

- 酿酒师 -

With a degree in Agronomy from the Universidad de Chile and a Master in Oenology with highest honours from the University of Bordeaux, France, Francisco possesses great talent and a clear vision for making the wines he wants in the glass. His time in important wineries in Chile, Argentina, the United States, and France has shaped his winemaking style, which is marked by elegance, balance and the expression of the fruit’s origin. Among much other recognitions, he received the ‘Winemaker of the Year Award’ in 2011 from the Círculo de Cronistas Gastronómicos y del Vino de Chile (Chilean Guild of Food- and Wine writers) and also from the prestigious U.S. magazine Wine Enthusiast in 2016. His philosophy in making wine is to respect the characteristics of each terroir and avoid excessive intervention.

我认为Arboleda所代表的不仅是气候、土壤、葡萄品种及团队合作下的美丽巧合, 也是透过葡萄酒、让阿空加瓜滨海区令人赞叹的特质得以传达至全世界和的绝佳机缘。

Carlos Carrasco

- 葡萄栽培师 -

Carlos在担任酿酒师几年后转而从事葡萄栽培师工作, 过去12年间他都专精于管理寒冷气候下的风土条件。他拥有智利天主教大学酿酒及葡萄栽培专业的农学学位,在学时还前往意大利Piacenza参加的米兰圣心大学(Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)的葡萄栽培交流计划。最近他也完在智利发展大学完成了可持续经营学的硕士学位。